At DialogueDirect we pride ourselves in connecting dedicated advocates to the causes they care about. Naturally, that drive leads team members to the occasional friendly and fierce competition.
March Maddness: DialogueDirect’s yearly fundraising tournament (hence - the double DD spelling) makes way for competitive spirits to challenge one another and make an immense impact while doing so. More than quantitative goals March Maddness is a time for us to have fun and remember how great of a difference we can make.
This year’s competition was tight. With a changing world constantly top of mind, our Dialoguers sought every opportunity to make good happen. We love a fierce competition, but the team spirit precedes any contest! Nevertheless, one Dialoguer persevered through the elite 8, final four, and became our March Maddness Dialoguer of 2021!
Champion, Ray Lansing, from our National Roaming Team shared with us that his best fundraising day was back in September 2020. Since then, he’s challenged himself to surpass that day’s experience. He mentioned not focusing on the competition through March Maddness but instead focusing on the best he could possibly be. As we know, that focus led him to reign as our champion! Here’s a few tips from the king himself on how to improve your fundraising game:
Tip 1: Watch everyone around you.
Observe, pick things up, then ask about them. A lot of us in life don’t ask for help in fear of seeming weak. That shouldn’t be the case. I’ve asked so many questions, even to new starts. if you notice something that works, take the opportunity to learn.
Tip 2: Start with yourself.
To anyone hoping to make a difference in the world start where you can, focus on what you’re able to control… then go up from there.
Tip 3: Believe in yourself.
There will be good and bad days. Some days you’re working until 6:30 and a donor shows at 6:27, that’s how it is.
Tip 4: Keep having fun.
I love making jokes, I’m quick with words. What they [potential donors] say I’ll throw it back and reverse it.
Congratulations, Ray! And congrats to our team as well for pushing yourself to new heights, but most importantly, for making an impact with our charity partners.